St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
Community Committee meeting – 6 December 2021
The newly formed Community committee met for the first time at 7:30pm on Monday 6 December. It was chaired by Kate Hoskins and attended by Mr Conley, Harry Nixon, Tara Coles, Simon Cutmore and Malcolm Wilson. Committee members first introduced themselves and explained their roles. The agenda addressed relevant aspects of the annual governor action plan:
· Confirming long-term aims for the school and priorities for school improvement and discussing how to communicate the vision to all children and parents – ‘One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God’
· Evaluating how effectively the school is promoting British Values and SMSC across the curriculum and how the school’s aims and values are promoted with pupils through R.E. and collective worship
· Evaluating the school website’s compliance with statutory policies and statutory content and ensuring that statutory policies are listed on the governors’ website
· Discussion of recent safeguarding visits to the school
· Ensuring that governors undertake training, complete their skills audit and have access to up-to-date governor induction packs
· Discussion of the Appraisal process, review of the Head’s performance management and monitoring of progress against improvement plan priorities
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Monday 21 March 2022