St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
Those pupils with Special Education Needs (SEN) and disabilities as well as those with additional challenges that some pupils may face will be taken into consideration when administering sanctions and rewards. Reasonable adjustments to this policy will be made to support children with characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. The headteacher will consider a multi-agency assessment for a pupil who demonstrates persistent disruptive behaviour.
We acknowledge that learners with more challenging behaviour may need specific support and an individualised approach. These pupils will be brought to the attention of our SENCO and will have a 2 Page Profile and Behaviour Plan in place. Staff use Hertfordshire Steps training to support and develop the implementation of any such plans. Other agencies may become involved to assess the needs of the pupil.
We recognise that, where individual pupils are engaging in continuing disruptive behaviour, this can be as a result of unmet mental health needs. If such needs are identified, we aim to ensure the pupil receives appropriate support.
We will undertake reviews of the needs of pupils and involve external agencies, such as the Behaviour Support Specialist Teachers, Educational Psychology Service, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy, where it is deemed to be appropriate and beneficial to the pupil to do so. This will be discussed with the parent/carer beforehand and signed consent will be necessary in order to engage outside agency involvement
Further information is available in our SEND Policy.
At St Peter’s, we use ‘The Zones of Regulation®’ which is a framework for teaching children strategies for emotional and sensory self-management. The zones help children identify how they are feeling in the moment according to their emotions and level of alertness, as well as guide them to strategies to support regulation.