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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God


Science At St. Peter's 



St. Peter’s Mission Statement

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God.

Science Vision

Creating curious and observant scientists who strive to discover and understand the world around them.


A child at St. Peter’s, when studying science, will be curious and inquisitive, asking questions and discovering answers. They challenge ideas and reach new or unknown conclusions. They are prepared to challenge the norm and think creatively to recognise that science is a fluid knowledge and we are always evolving our ideas.  


The aim of the science curriculum at St. Peter’s is to raise children’s aspirations.  

  • To develop scientific knowledge 

  • To understand and develop the skills of being a scientist 

  • To recognise enquiry is a key skill to becoming a scientist 

  • To explain results 

  • To use research skills to find answers and raise questions 


The science curriculum will recognise, acknowledge and celebrate the children’s various starting points and concurrently provide opportunities to broaden and enrich their horizons.  

  • To provide a curriculum that is broad and balanced and allows for progression year on year. 

  • When possible St Peter’s ensures that science has a high profile through science weeks 

  • Science week will be planned whenever possible during the dates provided by British Science Week 

  • Science is celebrated across the school through photos, special assemblies, ‘Wow Work’ and head teacher awards. 


  • The structure of the science curriculum is informed by the National Curriculum and is enhanced with knowledge organisers, detailed planning and quality slides. 

  • The science leader ensures that the curriculum is planned so that there is progression across the school.  

  • Science at Saint Peter’s is a spiral curriculum where various topics are revisited at greater depth.  

  • The school draws upon a weatlh of schemes of work to inform planning. 

  • Formative and Summative assessment is tracked using ‘working scientifically wheels’ provided by Herts for Learning 

  • Detailed lesson plans show continuity and progression from year to year. 

  • Stretch and Challenge is an integral part of a lesson ensuring for reasonable adjustments. 


Connections and links within and across the science curriculum will be made to promote and support learning. The curriculum will develop children as lead learners by developing inquisitive and curious minds and by providing them with opportunities to crucially reflect.  

  • Wherever possible science links are made through all areas of the curriculum and this can be seen in planning across the school. 

  • Wider reading around science subjects is encouraged and books are available with each topic area, both fiction and non- fiction 

  • At the beginning of each lesson, teachers are advised to chat about events happening now that are linked to science. This ensures the children’s cultural capital is developed 

Long Term Plan and Working Scientifically Coverage

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    Welcome to our school. We hope you enjoy taking a look around our website. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.

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  • Newsletters

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  • School Vision

    At St. Peter’s, we have a rich curriculum, that is rooted in a wholesome Christian ethos, that inspires and motivates children to achieve their individual successes that will prepare them for a love of life-long learning.

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  • Calendar Dates

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