St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
Welcome to Forest School
This is where the journey begins….. and like any great story we pop on our wellies and jump through the trees into world of bugs, fire and freedom, We go quietly as we start to hear a noise… is it a bird, mouse or a dragon? The wind whistles by and the adventure in the forest begins
Forest School is the place where magic can start to happen as imaginations, self-confidence and vocabulary start to grow. Every visit in the Forest will be to the same place, yet the story will always change and be different. The amazing memories and adventures that take place in Forest School will always be enjoyed.
St Peter's Mission Statement
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together With God
St Peter's Forest School Vision
Our vision is to enable every child attending Forest School sessions to have the opportunity to develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world. Increasing their confidence, self esteem and respect in preparation for an ever changing world. The philosophy of Forest School is to inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences.