St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
PTA Run Events
We run a variety of events throughout the year, we have great attendance. This is just a snippet of what we do.
Movie nights – after-school movies in the hall. Children bring their own snacks and cushions and are fully supervised.
Discos – during or after school, Children and Family Discos in the hall. Dancing, Glitter Tattoos, face paint and food and refreshments.
Scarecrow Competition – Children bring in old clothes and news papers to make a scarecrow to be displayed at school and parents/carers vote. The scarecrow with the most votes win a prize
POP UP Shops – Held during school for the children to purchase gifts for friends and family
Christmas Fayre – an after school event, jam jar tombola, teddy bear tombola, bottle tombola, Raffle, Refreshments, Santas grotto, Santas letters
Easter Market – an intense after-school frenzy of stalls including chocolate, sweets and cakes!
Colour Run – So much fun had by everyone on the last day of term in July
Summer Fayre – the biggest fundraiser of the year, the summer fair is a great afternoon of fun. DJ, BBQ and lots of fun stalls, this is always popular and raises lots of money for the school.
After school cake, tuck shop and ice cream sales – always popular!