Currently, we have very limited space for a September 2024 start in our F1 (Nursery) class. Please do contact the office so you do not miss out!

St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Year 2

Year 2's Class Page


Our teachers are:

Miss Hussain (Monday to Thursday)

Mr Tatham (Monday to Friday)


Contact us:


Homework, Reading books and spellings:

Homework (Handwriting), reading books and library books will be sent home on Fridays to be returned the following Wednesday.


Reading records need to be filled in at least three times a week by an adult at home and brought into school on Wednesdays for us to check. Children who read more than three times a week will be rewarded.


Spellings will also be sent home on Friday. Please learn them over the week for our spelling test which will be on Wednesdays. 


Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle. Fruits and vegetables for snack are provided.  


PE will take place on Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days.


Homework 5th July 2024

This week... (5.7.24)

Once again, what a busy week it has been! This week has been slightly different as we have completed our end of term assessments this week. 

We also presented our In Class worship to the rest of the school on Thursday, the children shared the keys to various successes. 

You have may heard about the 'Year 2 teacher library'. Following the children's enthusiasm for the 'Daisy' books, we have decided to let the children borrow our copies as we have two sets to avoid everyone having to purchase their own. 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss Hussain 


Our trip to our local library and Rickmansworth museum

Our visit to the Church as part of our history topic 'our local area'


Our Class Curriculum:


Guided Reading- Our text for this half term is 'The monster crisp guzzler'. 


Science- In science, we continue to look at materials.


Music- The children have been lexploring 'Swing a long with Shostakovich'. 


PE- Sports day prep


Spanish- In the jungle and superheros. 


RSE- We have been exploring economics and citizenship. 

Year 2 Timetable
