St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
Welcome to Year 2!
Our Year 2 Team:
Miss Douch- every day
Mrs Back - every day
Mr Wheeler - Tuesday-Thursday
Miss Frost - Monday - Friday
Mrs Matthews- every day
This half term, PE will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please come into school wearing your PE kit on both days.
If you need to get in contact for any reason please use this email address: I will aim to get back to you no later than 48 hours from receiving your email.
Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Friday and must be returned on Wednesday.
Reading records need to be filled in at least three times a week and signed by an adult at home and brought into school on Wednesdays for us to check.
Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle. A healthy snack will be provided at break time.
Check our class page for regular updates about what we have been learning!
Year 2 Team
In year 2 this week...
It has been a fantastic term here at St Peters.
In Maths, we have completed our multiplication and division topic. We have been learning all about our multiplying and dividing our 2, 5 and 10's. After the half term we will be looking a measurement.
I have been absolutely amazed by year 2's writing this term. We have been looking at A Lion in Paris by Beatrice Alemanaga, this week we have been completing our own independent writes based off the book and it has been amazing to see the quality and quantity of writing this unit has produced.
In Science, we have been learning all about similarities in differences between mammals. After the half term we will be looking at Plants.
On Monday we had our DT day I loved seeing the children get so creative making their moving monsters! I think they turned out great.
I hope you all have a restful half term!