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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability

SEND at St. Peter's


At St Peter's Primary School, we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve at school. In order to do this, many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey. Our school vision and school parable means that we ensure that all within our community aim high and are supported. Our relentless approach to supporting our most vulnerable children means they flourish and are happy. Through the dedicated hard work of our staff and parents our children excel and become who they want to be.  


For some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them to make the best possible progress in school.

The four broad ‘areas of need’ are Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties, and Sensory and Physical Needs.

Who Do I Contact?


At St. Peter's, we are extremely fortunate to have a strong SEN department with resources and expertise. We have worked with our Governing Body to provide the most ambitious environments for our children with SEND. Please do get in contact with the school to discuss any of your child's provision. To begin with, please do contact Mrs O'Donovan. 


Deputy SENCo- Mrs O'Donovan -

SENCO- Mr Conley-

SEND Governor- Mrs T Harrison-


For support and guidance from Hertfordshire County Council, please follow the link below:


Early Language Development

Research has shown that a child's ability to communicate orally, has a huge impact on their continuing academic progress, as well as their satisfaction with relationships and wellbeing. At St. Peter's, we are committed to ensuring that we identify difficulties children may have in acquiring good oral language skills as early as we can, and  that we then take steps to intervene and support the child in making progress in this area.


Below are some websites, that offer guidance as to activities that you can do at home. If you have younger children, who are not yet enrolled with us, these activities will be hugely beneficial in building the foundations, which we can build on when they start at with us. Additionally, you can use the guidance for your EYFS children and they will enjoy the time spent doing this.


At school we carry out routine Speech and Language assessments and the results of these show us which children we need to support using in-school measures. One of these measures is a tool called Wellcomm, which is used in both Nursery and Reception. We use this tool to screen all the children and then identify those that may need additional support. We also complete this screening for children in Key Stage 1 and 2 if we feel there maybe a language need. Once we have identified these children, we will then run Wellcomm intervention sessions or complete whole class language tasks to help bridge the gap. 


If you use the resources below and feel that you have ongoing concerns over your child's progress in this area, please use the contact form/email to get in touch. It is hugely beneficial for us to hear of your experiences with your child, as you know them best.  

SEND at St. Peter's and the SEND Code of Practice
