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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Mental Health Support for our Parent Community

Practical Steps You Can Take To Look After Your Mental Health


Having good mental health helps us enjoy life more, relax and cope better with everyday challenges. Finding the right support and resources can help feel more in control of your mental health. Here are some practical steps you can take


Talk about how you feel


There are many different people and organisations you can turn to for support with your mental health. There is no right order or best practice for this, feeling comfortable should be your priority when seeking support. You could talk to:

  • a family member, friend or colleague that you know and trust
  • your doctor (GP)
  • a trained therapist
  • a charity or organisation
  • online peer and support groups

It is always okay to ask for a different doctor or healthcare professional if you are unhappy with the service they are providing.

Utilise the services available to you


You shouldn't ever feel bad or embarrassed about using or applying for services that are available to you. These services are put in place to help people in unique situations, be it financially, physically or mentally.


Practical Resources


We know that being a parent leaves you with very little time to care for yourself, eat well and relax or recharge but when we are able to, it is important to try and achieve one or all of the above. The NHS offers practical resources practical resources on steps you can take to improve your mental health.

It is always okay to ask for support even if you aren't experiencing a specific mental health problem.


What services are available to you?


Hertfordshire's NHS Wellbeing Service:


Self refer to Hertfordshire's wellbeing service. A service offering free and confidential talking therapy and practical support for Hertfordshire residents experiencing a wide range of mental health problems such as: worry, low mood and stress.

If you need urgent help, call Hertfordshire's Mental Health Helpline:

For out of hours advice and telephone support please call: 01438 843322


Mind's Peer Support:


Find peer support in Hertfordshire with Local Mind. Local Mind's services include talking therapies, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment and training schemes, counselling and befriending.


Mind- Hertfordshire Network:


Utilise Mind's essential mental health support in Hertfordshire. Mind provide a range of services including Wellbeing Centres and online courses.

If you are experiencing any form of mental health distress, call Mind Hertfordshire's Helpline for emotional support and signposting.

Call: 01923 256391




Rethink recognise gaps in service provision and respond to these by developing and delivering services that provide high-quality care and support to people severely affected by mental illness.

Urgent help


If you are worried about your mental health and are in need of urgent help Samaritans have a free 24 helpline that you can call for confidential support.

Phone: 116 123

Whether you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition or just need support with your mental health, the NHS has pulled together a list of mental health helplines that are free to call.



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