F2 Open Mornings Available! Contact the school office to book your place

St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Who's Who

St. Peter's School Leadership

The Staff Team  2024/2025

Below are the staff that will work with your children. At St. Peter's, we follow the vision of,

'One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God.' 




Mr M Conley

Assistant Headteacher, English and Behaviour 

Miss K O'Connor


                               Deputy SENCo                                Mathematics, Behaviour and Subject Leader                                                                                     Development
Mrs J O'Donovan                                                      Miss Stirling




Teaching Staff

Class:Name:Subject lead:

Mrs H Sutherland

Miss A Hey



F2Mrs L Harvey                                      EYFS and History
Year 1Miss A Hussain PE
Year 2

Miss M Douch 

Mrs P Shah 

Mrs A Back 





Year 3

Mr D Tatham 

Year 4

Mrs S Randolph 

Year 5

Miss R Gnanaiah

Mrs P Shah- Geography 
Year 6

Mrs Ewing-Patel

Mrs M Selwood

Miss K O'Connor

Mrs Ewing-Patel-Science

Mrs M Selwood-Forest School and RE

SEND Support Teacher

Mrs L Humphrey 


Support Staff


Mrs C Boyce

F2Mr J Punio,

Year 1

Miss B Byles
Year 2Miss B Mathews
Year 3Miss A Baker and Mrs A Baker
Year 4Miss M Bird
Year 5Mrs H Callaghan
Year 6  


Midday Supervisor Team

We are fortunate that our TAs and 1:1 staff undertake a daily lunch duty. 


Admin & Premises Staff

AdministratorMrs N Laing
PA and Admissions OfficerMiss S-J Moon
Deputy SENDCOMrs J O'Donovan
CaretakerMr C O'Kelly
Cleaners J Clean Ltd


Breakfast & After School club

Mrs T Chamblin, Mrs Kahleem, Miss Moon and Mrs Bird, Miss B Byles


Kitchen Staff

Mrs T Chamblin                                                                                                                                 

Mrs E Trafford
