St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
Class context:
We have 2 children with EHCPs and a further 3 on the SEND register. We have 1 child at PPG.
| Cohort number | No score | 0-15 | 16-23 | 24-31 | 32-36 | 37-40 | Working towards | Working at |
Local authority: | 13,338 | 1.6% | 7.8% | 4.7% | 6% | 30.6% | 49.2% | 18.2% | 79.8% |
St. Peter’s | 31 | 0 | 3.2% | 6.5% | 12.9% | 45.2% | 32.4% | 22.6% | 77.4% |
National | Data released in October 2023 |