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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Finance Committee


The Finance and Premises Committee covers Finance, the School Buildings and Site (structurally and health and safety). The functions are listed separately for each of these below.

The committee will consider matters as set out in its terms of reference or as requested by the governing body, taking advice as appropriate.

The governing body delegates decisions related to ensuring that the National Curriculum is taught to all pupils and considering any disapplication for pupil(s).

The committee will recommend the powers that should be delegated to it by the governing body. The governing body will modify and approve these powers as it sees fit and the delegated powers will then form part of the terms of reference for that committee.

Any decisions which require a spending commitment over and above agreed budget provision must be referred to the Governors’ Steering Committee. The chair should check before committing expenditure to ensure that there is no change in the financial position.



· To report to the Governing Body on all matters related to finance.

· To make financial decisions where the relevant regulations allow these to be delegated and to make recommendations where they may not be delegated.

· To oversee financial planning within the school in the context of the School Development Plan.

· To approve the draft budget for the coming financial year.

· To consider the finance monitoring reports prepared by the Head teacher to check actual versus planned expenditure and to explore variations.

· To approve virements over £2,000 between budget headings

· To establish and review ordering and payment systems.

· To ensure that all accounts are audited correctly.

· To receive and where appropriate respond to reports from the Local Authority’s auditors, involving other committees where appropriate.

· To oversee the Governors’ own budget.

To make decisions regarding the premises and services where the relevant regulations allow these to be delegated and to make recommendations where they may not be delegated.

· To authorise the head teacher to directly arrange certain works, including urgent minor repair, up to a maximum defined cost without further reference to the Governing Body beforehand. Any actions shall be reported at the next meeting.



Because funds may be specifically sought and allocated for special educational needs (SEN) and the impact of this expenditure will need to be accounted for, the Finance and Premises committee also oversees this aspect of the school’s provision.

· To ensure that the needs of pupils with special educational needs are met:

· To secure the necessary provisions for children with SEN

· To ensure that the needs of a pupil with SEN are known to all who are likely to teach the child.

· To ensure that teachers are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for children with SEN.

· To ensure that children with SEN are included in all school activities wherever practical.

· To ensure that the needs of gifted children are met.



· To ensure that the school provides a safe, healthy and appropriate working environment for all pupils and staff.

· To ensure that Health and Safety reports are completed and to ensure that appropriate action is taken to address any short comings.

· To monitor accident reports to ensure that the premises are maintained in a safe and healthy manner.

· To ensure that all buildings and associated services are efficiently used and maintained.

· To agree a maintenance strategy for the school including developing a properly funded maintenance plan. To recommend an annual budget for expenditure on premises and services.

To agree the level of maintenance services the school will buy from service providers.

· To ensure that procedures are in place to monitor the cost of premises maintenance.

· To review the security of the school premises and equipment and if required, to make costed recommendations to the Full Governing Body.



· To ensure that Quinquennial inspection and reporting is carried out and to prepare recommendations to the Governing body for any works arising as a result.

· To submit copies of drawings of any proposed new works to the Governing Body for approval as necessary.

· To authorise professional advisors (surveyors and / or architects) to proceed with the letting of contracts for work to be carried out, once satisfied with costs and specifications and once these have been approved by the Governing Body.

· To ensure that professional advisors conform with any local authority planning or building regulation applications in the case of new works.

· To monitor and revise the premises elements of the Accessibility plan

· To consider improvements to the building and facilities of the school. To recommend for inclusion in the School Development Plan and Maintenance Strategy.

· To establish and maintain appropriate procedures for the costing, authorisation and implementation of all capital works in line with Financial Regulations.

· To ensure the discharge of governors’ responsibilities regarding litter under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.



· To consider the analysis of statements provided by the senior staff of the school throughout the year as per the timetable agreed at the start of the academic year.

· To review and monitor the implementation of relevant policies in line with the timetable for reviewing policies.
