F2 Open Mornings Available! Contact the school office to book your place.

St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4


One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God


Welcome back to a new school year! We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year in Year 4. 


Our Year 4 Team:


Mrs Randolph and Mrs Bird



This week in Year 4.... (18.10.24)




On Tuesday we had our D&T day in year 4.  The children's task was to plan and adapt a biscuit recipe within a given budget of £1.99.  They designed and made their biscuit packaging too based on market research and aimed at their chosen target audience.  Their biscuits and packaging were judged by Mr Conley and he was super impressed at their unique choice to ingredients!


In English the children have been learning how to improve their writing and keep the reader engaged by using simile and metaphor and varied sentence structures within their writing.


In guided reading we have been learning more about Oliver and the Seawigs and his quest to find and rescue his parents.  The children have been visualising and drawing settings from the text based on the rich and varied vocabulary used by the author.


Please remember raincoats and wellies on Monday for our Forest School morning.


Have a lovely weekend.



Tri-golf tournament

Meet the teacher information sheet

This half term,  PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please come into school wearing your PE kit on these days.


If you need to get in contact for any reason please use this email address: I will aim to get back to you no later than 48 hours from receiving your email.


Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Friday and must be returned on Wednesday.  


Reading records need to be filled in at least three times a week and signed by an adult at home and brought into school on Wednesdays for us to check. 


Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle and a healthy snack. 


Check our class page for regular updates about what we have been learning!  


We look forward to a great year. 


Year 4 Team 


  • Welcome

    Welcome to our school. We hope you enjoy taking a look around our website. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.

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  • School Vision

    At St. Peter’s, we have a rich curriculum, that is rooted in a wholesome Christian ethos, that inspires and motivates children to achieve their individual successes that will prepare them for a love of life-long learning.

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  • Calendar Dates

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