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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Our Approach to Behaviour Management

Behaviour Management at St. Peter's


St Peter’s Primary School is committed to establishing a safe and positive learning environment in which pupils and adults can thrive. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust, respect and appreciation for others and the encouragement that everyone willingly makes a positive contribution. We promote positive behaviours and attitudes that foster an environment where everyone feels happy, valued and secure.


At St. Peter’s, our approach to behaviour management is rooted in our unique Christian ethos. As a school, we believe that children should be allowed to flourish. In instances where children need support with their behaviour choices, we have a compassionate, therapeutic approach that is rooted in restorative justice. This links closely with Jesus’s parable of the Lost Sheep and his teachings. As in our school parable of the Lost Sheep, our school behaviour policy strives to include and embrace all that feel lost in their behaviour. Below, our policy details our values and how they are interwoven into all that we do.

Details for our Digital Parent Meeting


Please come along to discuss all things behaviour.


Monday 22nd April 


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 384 286 219 51

Passcode: TsTyM6


Thank you to the parents that attended this morning. It was great to go through our new policy and strategies that will support at home and school. 


Please see the invite for our next meeting on:


Tuesday 7th May 

9.30 to 10


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 362 631 261 875

Passcode: X8rD5D


This meeting will focus on Zones of Regulation. 

How do we Manage Behaviour?


At St. Peter's, we believe that all behaviours, both positive and negative, are a form of communication. As a result of listening to pupils, parents and staff, we have refreshed our layered approach to behaviour management. Below is a chart that helps to guide and support all in our school community. The chart below is directly from our behaviour policy. 
