F2 Open Mornings Available! Contact the school office to book your place

St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God


Medical Information

If your child needs to take medicine at school, consent will be needed. School will only administer prescribed medication that is required for 3 or 4 times daily. Please complete the form below and take to the school office with the medication. Whilst we will do our very best, a dose may be missed due to the nature of a school day. We record all doses given with dates, times and quantities, should you wish to check.

The responsibility will be down to the parent to check that the medication was given and to pick the medication up at the end of the day.



Health Care Plan

If your child has a physical or mental health condition, it's natural to worry about how they will be looked after at school, from whether they'll be given their medication correctly to how they will cope on school trips. But in September 2014, the Children and Families Act was introduced to ensure that all pupils with medical needs are properly supported at school so they can play a full and active part in school life, stay healthy and fulfil their potential. An individual healthcare plan – a document that sets out your child's medical needs and how they should be handled.

Please complete the Health Care Plan below:


Health Care Plan
