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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God 


Happy New Year! 

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New year, What a cold start to the year but I'm sure the sun will be on its way soon. 

I am thoroughly looking forward to the new year, I hope the children are too. 

For this half term we have Miss Smith joining us who is a trainee teacher from Hertfordshire University. 

Year 1 Team:

Miss Hussain and Miss Smith

This half term, PE will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays . Please come to school wearing your PE kit on both days.  


If you need to get in contact for any reason please use this email address: I will aim to get back to you no later than 48 hours from receiving your email. 


Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Friday and must be returned on Wednesday.  


Reading records need to be filled in at least three times a week and signed by an adult at home and brought into school on Wednesdays for us to check. 


Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle. A healthy snack will be provided at break time.


Check our class page for regular updates about what we have been learning!  


We look forward to a great year. 


Miss Hussain 
