Currently, we have very limited space for a September 2024 start in our F1 (Nursery) class. Please do contact the office so you do not miss out!

St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Year 1

This week's Numbots Champion:





This week in Year One:


This week we have been consolidating some of our maths learning. We have recapped bonds to 20 and near doubles. 

In English we have written a script for an interview with the Egg Box Dragon. 


We had a fun science lesson experimenting to see which materials are the most waterproof. We listened to Aaron Copland's Cat and Mouse and discussed tempo in music and produced picture stories in computing. 


Another busy week! 



No more homework this year! A test of a random selection of tricky words learnt this term will take place next week. 



A Warm Welcome to Year One 


Teachers: Mrs Back 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tardi

Geography/Forest School: Mrs Shah/Mrs Selwood

Reading books: 

The children will be issued a new book every Friday. Reading records need to be filled in at least three times a week by an adult at home and brought into school on Wednesday for us to check.

Please bring all reading books back into school on Wednesday as the books are used in our guided reading sessions before being sent home. It is really important books come back as they are used across the Key Stage. If they are not returned there is not enough for guided reading in school. Please note, you do not need to bring your child's books in until Wednesday, then the book bag will remain in school until Friday. 


Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle, fruit and vegetables snacks are provided.  



The children will be bringing home a book weekly from the school library. Please ensure this is returned the following week for a new one to be issued. 



Spellings will be given out on Friday and tested on Wednesday.  


PE days: Mondays and Thursdays- please ensure the children come in wearing their PE kits.


P.E. Kit:

Black shorts 

Green T – shirt.       


Black jogging bottoms and black jumper top for the winter  


Forest School:

Once a fortnight, children will be taking part in forest school on site with Mrs. Selwood. Please provide a pair of named Wellington boots to stay at school on their pegs. The children will attend forest school come rain or shine so please ensure they always have a suitable coat in school on this day. If you would like to find out more about forest school please visit; 


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to discuss them with me at pick up. Alternatively, you can email; 

