St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
South West Herts Partnership (SWHP)
South West Herts Partnership s a family focussed/needs-led partnership working alongside children and their families to ensure access to a wide range of early support with a non-judgemental friendly approach. Our ethos is underpinned by principles of choice, flexibility and respect.
We offer a free and confidential family support service to families whose children attend any of the 64 schools that currently buy into our services.
Parenting can be one of the most difficult and challenging roles we undertake, especially in times of hardship or crisis. We work with families by helping them overcome social, emotional and physical barriers by giving them practical advice, support and the right tools and strategies. This enables them to feel more confident, improve self-esteem and achieve positive relationships. We believe that by supporting parents/carers with parenting skills, this will improve a child/young person’s behaviour in the home and at school helping them to achieve their full potential and remove any barriers to learning.
You can access our service by approaching your child(ren)’s school. They will then make a decision on whether to refer to the Family Support Service.
We are an early intervention service and aim to prevent needs escalating to require intervention by more specialist services.
Referrals are through allocated schools only.
Our Services
Working together...
Even though the services we offer overlap hugely, they can broadly be separated into the three areas below. To us, it makes sense to outline them all on the same page so that it is clear how they relate to each other and to demonstrate the importance of a partnership between the three.
Schools have access to a dedicated School Family Worker who will work closely with the school and their families. We provide a year round service and an initial planning meeting followed by regular reviews with the school and family members. We have helped Schools with:
Improving attendance and punctuality at school and in lessons
Improving behaviour around the school and in lessons
Improving homework completion
Improving the relationship/communication between parent and school
Improving perceptions and understanding of student
Undertaking and/or co-ordinating a Families First Assessment.
Attending, contributing and leading on TAF meetings where appropriate.
Our School Family Workers are friendly and approachable and are able to listen to any worries children/young people may be experiencing. They can offer practical ideas and advice to help children/young people with:
Feeling more confident
Becoming more resilient and able to cope with difficult situations
Improving their attendance
Becoming happier in school and at home
Being more organised
Managing their anger
Building better relationships
Finding appropriate support groups
Accessing the right support within the school environment to remove the barriers to learning.
Improving social skills and learning to share their feelings
Our School Family Workers are happy to meet with you and your child in your family home, school or a location convenient to you and offer a wealth of experience and knowledge to help support with a range of needs, such as:
Providing advice, emotional support, mentoring, encouragement, and motivation
Managing challenging behaviour
Supporting families with children with additional needs
Managing finances and household budgeting
Housing concerns
Changing school/transition
General routines and boundaries
Assisting with engagement with your child’s school and other agencies
Advising on local parenting groups or support groups
Bereavement & Separation
Support with parenting strategies to improve behaviour and relationships at home
Contact information for the service:
For enquiries please contact:
Main Office:
07872 991538
Kathy Buchanan, Family Support Manager:
07872 991545