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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Curriculum Committee



The committee will consider matters as set out in its terms of reference or as requested by the governing body, taking advice as appropriate.

The committee will recommend the powers that should be delegated to it by the governing body. The governing body will modify and approve these powers as it sees fit and the delegated powers will then form part of the terms of reference for that committee.

Any decisions which require a spending commitment over and above agreed budget provision must be referred to the Governors’ Steering Committee. The chair should also check before committing expenditure to ensure that there is no change in the financial position.

The Community Committee covers a wide range of community and personnel issues. Some of the functions (e.g. staff dismissal appeals) require specific actions to be taken at particular times or following particular events: these will be executed by specially convened panels as shown.



· To consider how St Peter’s School meets the needs of the community. This would include feedback from the community about the school either obtained verbally or written.

· To monitor the impact of the Community Cohesion Policy.



· To review, after consultation with the Head teacher and staff, the school’s policies relating the students and make any recommendations.


Student Admissions: 

The function of the Community Committee is to review and amend as necessary the policies relating to admissions; appoint members to the Admissions sub-committee; and ensure that the admissions policy is applied by the Admissions sub-committee.

The admissions functions can be executed by sub-committee as required, consisting of governors and the Head teacher. The quorum for this sub-committee is two members.

· To apply the Admissions Policy

· To advise the Governing Body on LA admission arrangements

· To liaise with the Head Teacher once applications have been received after the closing date for both the nursery and reception classes.

To ensure the compilation of a list of applicants according to the Admissions Criteria.

· To ensure the compilation of a waiting list of applicants over the agreed number and that this has been prepared in accordance with the policy.

· To receive confirmation from the HT that completed forms have been sent to HCC by the designated date.

· To receive confirmation from the HT that offers of a school place have been sent out to successful applicants on the correct day.

· To liaise with the Head Teacher once acceptances are received and, if necessary, offer further places to applicants on the waiting list.

· To attend any appeals on behalf of the Governors. (These will be attended by the senior Governor on the CCSS Committee).

· To ensure that registers are kept of Admissions and Attendance.

· To oversee the production of the School Prospectus.

· To consider the admissions criteria of other local admission authorities and to take appropriate action.

Student Behaviour:

· To advise the school and the Governing body on all matters pertaining to behaviour and discipline

· To ensure that there is a written statement of Policy on behaviour and discipline (and that all procedures followed are in accordance with ‘A Guide to the Law for School Governors’ chapter 12)

· To make sure that parents are aware of the school’s policy on behaviour and discipline.

· To ensure that the home/school agreement is distributed to pupils and their parents at the beginning of each academic year and is signed by all parties.

· To review child protection policy and procedures and to liaise with the named member of staff responsible for this area.

· To review annually and amend the policy documents listed below for approval by the Governing Body.

The governing body delegates the adoption and review of the home school agreement to the committee.

The student discipline functions can be executed by sub-committee as required, consisting of governors and the Head teacher. The quorum for this sub-committee is three members. This will not be a standing sub-committee but will be convened as and when required.

· In accordance with statutory requirements to consider the actions of the Head teacher in excluding a pupil, to consider representations made by parents/carers, and, if appropriate, to determine whether the pupil is to be reinstated.



· To be responsible with the head teacher for the recruitment of staff as and when a vacancy occurs.

· To approve the staffing structure for the school for the coming academic year

· To approve the recruitment and retention policy and recruitment procedure for agreement by the governing body and utilise the agreed procedure for every recruitment exercise.

· To provide, where possible, a member of the Governing Body to chair any interview panel.

· To approve the priorities for the School Development Plan proposed by the school which fall under the auspices of the Community Committee.

· To monitor, at least once a term, the progress made on implementing these areas of the School Development Plan, and progress on implementing any actions arising from an inspection.

· To approve the Performance Management Policy for all staff.

· To provide two members of the Governing Body to be part of the group that considers the Performance Management of the Head teacher and approves any decision on salary for other members of staff at the end of the Performance Management Cycle.

· To liaise with the Finance and Premises Committee through the Head Teacher in relation to staff costs for the preparation of the Annual Budget.

· To consider the summary findings from exit interviews when staff leave.

· To adopt and implement the LA HR Policy, including sections dealing with procedures for dealing with staff discipline; suspension and dismissal of staff (and letters of termination); and staff grievance handling.

· To provide two members of the Governing Body, where possible, to be part of the group that considers the dismissal of a member of staff as per the LA Policy


SEF and Policies:

· To consider the analysis of statements provided by the senior staff of the school throughout the year as per the timetable agreed at the start of the academic year.

· To review and monitor the implementation of relevant policies in line with the timetable for reviewing policies.

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    At St. Peter’s, we have a rich curriculum, that is rooted in a wholesome Christian ethos, that inspires and motivates children to achieve their individual successes that will prepare them for a love of life-long learning.

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