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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement 2025_2028

At St. Peter's, we have been innovative in our approach to supporting those within our community that need support. As our vision of, 'One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God,' and our school parable of The Lost Sheep shows that we love and care for all of those within our family. Through love and support we can provide better life chances just as Jesus did when he brought his teachings to the world. Our children are happy and make not only academic progress but also spiritual. No child shall ever not have the same chances that others do based on their financial context at St. Peter's. 


About Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for children of statutory school age who are known to be eligible for Free school meals (FSM) or children who have been eligible in the last six years.  It is also for children who have been looked after by the local authority continuously for more than six months, and children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. Currently, if a child is eligible for free school means, they are awarded a grant of £1,320.For children that are Looked after by County, the children are awarded a grant of £2,300. If the child is a service child, they are awarded a grant of £300. 

This money is allocated to primary schools and they may choose to use this as they wish. 


At St. Peter's Primary School, we have undertaken a whole school approach to support vulnerable pupils. We are aware of barriers to learning individual pupils may experience and we work hard, in partnership with parents, to reduce and where possible eliminate these barriers. At St. Peter's Primary School we have high expectations for all pupils regardless of starting points and external influences. Barriers to learning might include, limited access to language, poor literacy levels, poor attendance, low aspirations, low expectations, narrow experience of life outside school. Individual support programmes are targeted to each individual pupil and monitored accordingly. At St. Peter's, we do not relent when challenging our disadvantaged children. We track starting points and follow those through the school. 


All schools are accountable for how the additional funding is used to support pupils and are required to show the impact of this spending.  We are very proud of the positive impact on pupil outcomes of our Pupil Premium Grants. This is not just academically but in relation to behaviour for learning. This can be directly linked to the whole school promotion of our behaviour for learning characteristics for all pupils. We use our pupil premium funding to support our children based on their individual needs. We also promote the values of our school and use these to help guide our support. 


Overall School Targets for Disadvantaged children


At St. Peter's, we had a brokerage visit from Linda Hardman (District School Effectiveness Adviser (Three Rivers)), who audited our provision. 


From Ms Hardman's, visit we have identified the following four targets to be tackled at a whole school level. 


1. Ensure EYFS provision for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils is strengthened.

2. Ensure accelerated progress is enabled for all underachieving pupils.

3. Further develop the role of governance in relation to the disadvantaged and vulnerable learners.

4. Ensure the published school strategy is compliant with statutory requirements.


All stakeholders are aware of these targets and we will continue to work towards completing them. We will always have the highest expectations of our disadvantaged children so that we can close the gap between their peers. 

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding. Mr Conley monitors and develops our PP provision across St. Peter's.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

Disadvantaged Strategy 2021_2024

Pupil Premium Plan 2020_2021


At St. Peter's, we have been allocated funding of £19,676. To complete our objectives for this year, we

have had to top up the funding by £6,800. 


Please see below our PP plan for the year. 

Pupil Premium Plan for 2019/2020


At St. Peter's, we have been allocated funding of £19,676. To complete our objectives for this year, we have had to top up the funding by £6,800. 


Please see below our PP plan for the year. 


Pupil Premium Plan for 18/19


Action Plan for PPG 18/19


Pupil Premium Grant = £26,660


Rationale and Actions




Success Criteria

Additional staff for PPG support work


Trained teacher to focus on the accelerated progress and attainment

From September



£8,000 teacher costs

£ 9,000 TA

£6000 Additional support in the afternoons



That the attainment of PPG is equal or better than non PPG

That PPG children make good progress


That a higher percentage of our PPG children reach GD

Enrichment/educational trips/

School trips etc are costly

Camp, trips, music lessons



That all children have access to the same enrichment











Summer 2019 PP Attainment and Progress


Over the academic year 2018/2019 we had 3 children sit their SATs. Please see a breakdown of their progress and attainment. 


Progress from KS1 to the end of Year 6:


  Reading Writing Maths

Progress score for disadvantaged

Confidence interval



(-7.5 to 6.4)



(-7.9 to 5.0)



(-9.4 to 2.8)

Number of Disadvantaged Pupils  3 3 3
National Average for non-disadvantaged pupils 0.32 0.27 0.37


As you can see from the scores above, they are in the negative range. This is due to one of our children achieving GD in KS1 and they did not achieve this at the end of KS2. 


Attainment at the end of Year 6:


All three of our children reached age related expectations in all three subjects. This gave us an overall score of 100% achieving all 3 subjects. None of our children achieved GD at the end of Year 6. 
