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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

COVID-19 Catch Up Strategy

Catch-Up COVID-19 Strategy 


At St. Peter's, we have crafted our catch up strategy to ensure that we can mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on our children. We have spent time discussing this as a school community to identify targets. Please read the information below and if you have questions, please do contact the school. Through listening to the concerns of all our stake holders, we have included all in our school family. Through our school vision of, 'One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God,' we believe that our catch up programme encompasses all that will need help in their individual way. This may range from academic catch up to support with mental health. As the parable of the lost sheep teaches us all, no child, parent or staff member shall be left behind. 

Review of COVID Expenditure: 

COVID Catch Up Flash Point Review 2022 


We continue to be ambitious with our catch up offer. Currently, we have Mrs Darlington who is working with small groups to close the gap. Mrs Darlington continues to work on a mixture of topics that range between maths and English. We will continue this into the next academic year. 

We have used Mrs Darlington as our school mentor so that we could use our school covid catch up money. 

We have further supported our Covid catch up by supplementing this budget with some of our main school budget. When our assessments are completed at the end of summer, we will be able to undertake a further in depth review. 
