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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God

End of 2023

Welcome to our end of 2022 school performance outcomes.


Below is a breakdown of the outcomes for the end of F2, phonics screening check in Year 1, end of Year 2 outcomes and the end of Year 6 outcomes. 



Key Vocabulary:


PKY: this means pre key stage learning e.g. a child might be in Key stage 2 but they might be working at Key Stage 1. 


WTS: this means working towards the year group e.g. a child is working in Year 1 but they need support to achieve the learning. 


EXS: this means your child is working at the expected standard for the year group


GDS: this means your child is working above the expected standard in the year group


SEND: special educational needs


PPG: this means children are in receipt of free school means 

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