St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School
One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God
At St. Peter's, we believe equality is of significant importance. As per our school vision of, 'One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God,' and our school parable of The Lost Sheep, we believe that all the children in our care are individual and should be treated as such. As the teachings of Jesus shows us, God's love is limitless and without requirement. Please take time looking through our equalities page and how we meet our objectives.
Equality and Diversity Deep Dive (Autumn 2022):
For our council commissioned visit this year, we were visited by a specialist in equality and diversity. Our report was glowing and highlighted how we go above and beyond to include as many families and communities in our school fibre.
Equalities Statement
At St. Peter's Primary School we are committed to:
The Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 replaces previous anti-discrimination legislation with a single Act. The Equality Duty is set out in section 149 of the Act. It replaces the three previous public sector equality duties – for race, disability and gender – and covers the following protected characteristics:
We ensure that we have due regard to the need to:
The Governing Body will ensure, that in the cycle of policy reviews, that policies and practices are scrutinised to identify the effects they have on individuals or groups of people in relation to equality.
Aims of the School
At St. Peter's Primary School we aim to nurture and maximise the full learning potential of each child, and foster their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development. We want our children to be happy, healthy and successful, within our school family.
We aim:
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We actively seek to include all our children in our school community. We do not exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children and we make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school with consideration of the following protected characteristics:
Staff and governors demonstrate our values and commitment to equality by:-
We collect and analyse a range of equality information for our pupils/students:
We make regular assessments of pupils’ learning and use this information to track pupils’ progress, as they move through the school. As part of this process, we regularly monitor the performance of different groups, to ensure that all groups of pupils are making the best possible progress. We use this information to adjust future teaching and learning plans, as necessary.
Resources are available to support groups of pupils where the information suggests that progress is not as good as it should be. The governing body receives regular updates on pupil performance information.
School performance information is compared to national data and local authority data, to ensure that pupils are making appropriate progress when compared to all schools, and to schools in similar circumstances.
As well as monitoring pupil performance information, we also regularly monitor a range of other information. This relates to:
Our monitoring activities enable us to identify any differences in pupil performance and provide specific support as required, including pastoral support. This allows us to take appropriate action to meet the needs of specific groups in order to make necessary improvements.
St, Peter's School is also committed to providing a working environment free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation. We aim to recruit an appropriately qualified workforce and establish a governing body that is representative of all sections of the community in order to respect and respond to the diverse needs of our population.
Information may be collected regarding
Due regard is given to the promotion of equality in the School Improvement Plan. The person responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the policy and any action planning is the headteacher.
Their role is to:
Developing Best Practice
Learning and Teaching
We aim to provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed, and to reach the highest level of personal achievement. To do this, teaching and learning will:
Learning Environment
There is a consistently high expectation of all pupils regardless of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age or any other recognised area of discrimination. All pupils are encouraged to improve on their own achievements and not to measure themselves against others. Parents are also encouraged to view their own children’s achievements in this light.
Equality Objectives September 2024 to July 2026
Objective | Timeline and detail |
To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity | Annual review in July as outlined in Equality Act 2010 To ensure that common approaches are complied with in whole school behaviour system To make the SMSC opportunities explicit in planning and to reflect on their impact To review the Christian Character of the school through the Diocesan toolkit |
To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the school | Annual review each July To celebrate festivals and learn about the wider cultural aspects of others’ lives To resource the school with stories from other cultures and to ensure that the home lives and familiar things are represented in school activities such as home corners and imaginative play |
To narrow any gaps in attainment and progress that have arisen between groups of pupils within the school’s community by ensuring that all groups and individuals have their needs fully met in order to achieve their full potential, and to make good progress or better.
| Annual review in July To monitor children’s progress termly and half termly in English and Maths. To analyse progress of groups across the school, gender, ethnicity, FSM, summer born, EAL and provide support where appropriate |
To tackle phobic language in all of its forms | Continuously challenged Tracking annually through the use of CPOMs Through the implementation of our RSE curriculum The school's parable of the Lost Sheep and the ideals of love and a nurturing environment. |