Our new term has started with lots of ice and frost! We have had some beautiful winter days and this has meant wonderful opportunities for the children: close observation, awe and wonder, exploration, discovery, sensory experiences and lot's of fun! We have collected ice and frost and solved different ways to collect it. This naturally resulted in sensory exploration, ways to break the ice, ways to melt the ice and observing how different and beautiful the trees, plants and even blades of grass looked on our field. Year 4 class enjoyed hot chocolate around the fire.
The children have shown amazing resilience against the cold and wind.
Autumn Term 2022
All the children have made a great start to their new term of regular Forest School activities. It’s been lovely to see how the children have really started to think about what they want to get out of our sessions.
We have spent time fungi hunting, bug spotting, making kites and dens, whittling and using tools.
Through all of these activities they are learning to take responsibility for themselves and the world around them, and to be resourceful and creative, resilient and persevering – life skills that we all need.
We have enjoyed the beautiful Autumn sunshine and thinking about the changing seasons. We have made conker men using palm drills and talked about the importance of seed dispersal.
We enjoyed our compass work and using the compass to help make maps only using what we can find on our field!
Spring Term 2022
The Spring weather has surprised us again this term, the sun has tried it's hardest to push through but has had to contend with lashing of rain, wind and the odd flurry of snow! Whatever the weather it does not deter the children from making the most of Forest School. We wrap up warm and embrace and learn about the different seasons. Reviewing and reflecting is an important part of Forest School and is something I encourage the children to do so they can see their own learning and acknowledge each others achievements. Sometimes really wonderful things come up and during our Forest School poetry week we saw beautiful poems written and inspired by our surroundings and nature.
We had great fun spotting all the different birds we could see during Bird Watch Week, all the results were sent through to the RSPB and the woodpigeons retained the top spot for Schools’ Birdwatch for 2022. We made bird feeders to encourage different species onto our field.
Problem solving skills are developing as children work out how to balance a ball on their structure. They have enjoyed making shelters and using their knot skills to make Easter Crosses which can be seen in our reflection area. The children have built assault courses, 3D shapes and made a Suduko game Forest School style! Our younger years went looking for bugs using magnifying glasses we went looking under logs and in leaf litter to see what we could find, this inspired us to design and make our very own bug.
Have a lovely break!
Autumn Term 2021
Leaves are all around us at the moment, as the trees shed their golden coats to form a wonderful blanket on the floor. The change of colours and textures have been such an amazing supply of natural and fun activities. The children enjoyed collecting leaves in piles and throwing them in the air. It is so satisfying and fun! Seeing and feeling the leaves fall on our heads was such a beautiful thing to do. The children have super fun jumping and rolling in the leaf piles which made such a spectacular festival of colours and laughter!
Year 1 and Year 4 made the Pudsey Bear mascot for Children in Need, Forest School style!
The weather has been kind and mild so far and the occasional rain makes the conditions extra special to be outdoors.
The field is a blaze of Autumnal colours and we have enjoyed in abundance, building, creating and observing. With the good weather we grabbed the opportunity to light the fire with Year 6. Thank you Barney, Tom and Rhys from Year 5 for bringing in so many conkers we had great fun using them in many different ways.
Summer Term 1 2021
What a term it has been! We've had thunder, lightning, hail and rain, sunshine and wind: we've seen it all!
Spring and early summer is such an engaging time of year as our plants and animals are in rebirth, the weather is wild and unpredictable but everything feels fresh and exciting.
This term has been a busy one in Forest School we've been doing what we do best, creating, exploring and learning whatever the weather.
Our new pond arrived and it was exciting to put in the new plants to help keep the water clear. We have made bridges, kites, crime scenes for a teddy bear. We have learnt about water transpiration from trees and looked at different ways to measure trees. Year 3 enjoyed time around the camp fire. All classes have continued to make use of the tools and Year 4 had fun with the billhook. We played the tyre game which was a huge sucess and Year 5 enjoyed the floating stick game after a little practise!
Year 6 had fun taking pictures with the theme being ' up close with nature.' Here are just a few of their stunning photographs.
Spring Term 1 2021
Although the start of the spring term has seen us back in lockdown it's so good to see so many of you getting outside.
Did you know spending time outdoors in nature is good for you? It's true! Being around trees and wildlife can boost your mood and that is something we could all benefit from right now. Getting active outdoors is a great way to improve your fitness too.
If you can, pull on your wellies and enjoy some fresh air.
I am delighted how resourceful you are at home and the pictures you are sending in via the Forest School google classroom are fabulous, it's shown me just how good you are!
At school we are following the same lessons as you at home with one added addition.
We have some exciting news........
In the reflection area we are digging out one of the flower beds to create a wildlife pond, it's at a very early stage as we didn't realise how much soil there was !!!
I am so thrilled as the pond we will be a fantastic Forest School resource for all the children. It will extend the biodiversity we already enjoy at St Peter's.