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St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God


Computing at St. Peter's



St. Peter’s Mission Statement

One Family, Aiming High, Learning Together with God.


St. Peter’s Computing Vision

A St. Peters Child knows and understands how to use and interact with others in a safe and kind way. They use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.



The aim of the Computing curriculum at St Peters’ School is to raise children’s aspirations, we aim to achieve this by:

  • By teaching E-Safety, Coding and digital literacy.
  • Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science
  • Analyse problems in computational terms in order to solve them.
  • Children are responsible, competent, confident and creative users for information and communication technology.
  • Children leave knowledgeable in the digital world. . 


The Computing curriculum will recognise, acknowledge and celebrate the children’s various starting points and concurrently provide opportunities to broaden and enrich their horizons. All children will be given the opportunity to grow and develop as computing students from their varying starting points.


The Computing curriculum will focus on the growth of and deepening in knowledge, the development and application of skills, the exposure to challenging concepts and the exploration of values and attitudes. Within the curriculum, the design allows for the progression of skills, builds subject knowledge and ensures deeper understanding of what it is to be a computing student.


Connections and links within and across the computing curriculum will be made to promote and support learning. The curriculum will develop children as lead learners by developing inquisitive and curious minds and by providing them with opportunities to crucially reflect. Computing will be used across the curriculum to enhance learning wherever possible, developing the childrens cultural capital.  



